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The most important factor is that the CCTV Cameras have high accuracy in night photography because of their security importance at night. The second factor is that the storage device has high specifications to process and store the image in the best possible quality.

Yes, you can monitor the cameras on your phone via a smartphone application. These cameras should have internet access.

While wireless cameras do have their benefits, including ease of installation and flexibility, we recommend wired security camera systems for most cases due to their reliability and security.

The amount of time surveillance footage is kept totally depends on the amount of recording space available. This also depends on the camera quality; it will take more storage as much as the quality is higher.

You have to choose a camera that features high night photography. Also, the camera should process and store the image with the best quality.

Recorded images and audio files are preserved for seven days maximum.

The smart home makes sure that your home uses resources more efficiently as the energy management devices automatically control all electrical appliances in the home and turn them off when not in use; this would save energy.

Yes, we offer surveillance cameras installation service by specialized experts using the best products and brands in the market

Wireless security camera systems use an encrypted wireless protocol to restrict access to networks and wireless communications so that your wireless signals remain private and secure.

A home security camera usually can see in a range between 0 to 70 feet depending on the resolution, sensor and lens it’s using.

Front door.

Doorbell camera.

Easy access points like a backdoor or first floor windows.

Garages and driveways.

Front and backyards

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